Trust Me, I'm Not Anxious

Ever had one of those nights where your brain won’t shut up? When one tiny doubt snowballed into a full existential crisis? Yeah, me too. Then one day, my anxiety pushed me too far. I’d had enough. So, in a rare moment of clarity and a well-placed F-bomb, I told it to go away. This blog is the story of everything that came before and after that turning point. I’ll share how my diagnosis came about, the different ways anxiety showed up in my life, how I learned to trust myself, and how I started recognising when anxiety was calling the shots. While anxiety may never fully leave, I can confidently say I’m no longer letting it ruin my life. I've gained the tools, nuance, and insight to manage it—and that’s what I’m here to share now. So grab a cuppa (or a glass of wine) and settle in for a chat, because while I still have my moments, anxiety doesn’t have control anymore.